Ferddie's World

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

CFC's 28th Anniversary

Celebrating the CFC’s 28 years of existence

The weather was quite good that Saturday (June 27) when my family went to the Quirino Grandstand to attend this year’s CFC anniversary celebrations. Unlike last year’s event which we didn’t attend, there was no Typhoon Frank that darkened the skies and drenched the festivities with a few hours of heavy rain.

Only Junior wasn’t able to join us in this year‘s anniversary. Now a freshman student at the Conservatory of the University of Sto. Tomas (UST), he had to attend a class at school that day.

The event’s site plan

Our chapter contingent from Sta. Lucia

With invaluable transportation assistance from Bro. Buddy Villarey, I was very happy and proud of the brother and sisters from our Sta. Lucia chapter who attended the anniversary. It may not have been a big contingent but considering the actual small size of our chapter it was a significant number by any standard.

On a related note, I can’t help but notice that despite the huge number of people who normally attend the community’s anniversary celebrations, there appears to be less people this year than before.

Vestiges of Gawad Kalinga (GK) which for years visibly stood as the community’s work with the work with the poor were nowhere to be seen. Divergent directions and positions between the CFC International Council and GK national leadership are likely to just cause further confusion and division among the members which may have actually led to among others, the drop of warm bodies here at the anniversary.

The historic Quirino Grandstand

Sporting an athletic theme community members prepare for the parade

Following the theme “Forward in Christ”, anniversary shirts were very much sporty in design as if for athletes. Only in this case, the participants whether they be apparent swimmers or runners, run not to gain a material ‘worldly’ prize but run to seek a most heavenly prize…eternal life with CHRIST our Lord!

The flags of North B sector

After a long wait, the line moves forward

After hours of waiting in parade formation in front of the historic Manila Hotel, the line finally moves forward. It was a good thing many of us brought along umbrellas. Otherwise many parade participants especially the kids would not have made it this long due to extreme heat and exhaustion!

North B members cheerfully wave

Carrying one of the family ministry flags

A sea of humanity below the Manila skyline

We move nearer the event’s main stage

The CFC International Council (IC) members on stage

Chapter photo ops after the parade

Faith and Joshua represent the young generation of community members

We couldn’t finish the rest of the program and left not long after the parade ended. Still, we felt contented with our physical presence and involvement with the prolonged parade as a significant show of camaraderie and oneness with our community on this special day.

Happy anniversary, CFC!

Again, I greet all my CFC brothers and sisters on this joyous day of celebrating our lives in this spiritual community that we dearly love.

Elders and members alike, may we all continue to serve Christ by building the church of the home and genuinely working with the poor!



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