Ferddie's World

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy 5th year Anniversary, Ferddie’s World!

“Hi everyone! This is my first entry to a web journal that I hope will lead to more wonderful things ahead! I humbly thank God for my life, my family…for everything He has so graciously given me! Now is the time to share it…”

Five years ago, I set out to do what no family member has done so far…to boldly go where no Mendoza kin has gone before…the blogosphere in the infinite confines of Internet space.

The World Wide Web for many of the younger generations has become the final frontier for exploration and discovery.

Cited above was my very first entry in Ferddie’s World, my first ever blogsite.

Five years and four blogsites (still up and running!) after, my enthusiasm for blogging has neither dissipated nor reduced to a simple act of self indulgence. The struggle though continues for me to find the ways and means and the time to write and deliver my posts as timely as possible.

After all, one of the greatest sources of my personal fulfillment in blogging are the times when people (both those you know and those you don’t but read your articles) express their appreciation and/or convey their feelings that they were blessed by what you wrote. Truly, a great part in the joy of writing is in being understood and well-regarded. More importantly, I made it my humble mission to spread the good news of Christ Jesus through blogging, through the Internet.

Certainly, a person need not be always technical or doctrinal in spreading God’s love. Often, everyday stories from ordinary people like me give wondrous testament to His majesty, and love for His most beloved of creations.

Here’s to the next five years of my blogging milieu…Ferddie’s World!

God bless everyone!



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